teacher’s role in a classroom – university<!-- --> | <!-- -->The Australian Dictionary of Invisible Culture for Teachers

The Australian Dictionary of Invisible Culture for Teachers

teacher’s role in a classroom – university

attitude: some people can think like this about something (see more)

Many teachers in Australian universities think like this:

I know students want to know many things. I want students to know how to think well. If I do many things, students can know how to think well. If students do many things, they can know how to think well.

Because of this, I want them to do many things.

I don’t want to say “This is what is true. This is how you have to think about it.”


This entry only captures the broad attitudes of 'many teachers' in universities. This attitude, while not necessarily shared by all teachers, is at least understood as a common attitude towards teaching.
teacher’s role in a classroom – primary and secondaryself-driven learningclassroom discussioncritical thinkingunderstanding a teacher’s general teaching style

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