critical thinking<!-- --> | <!-- -->The Australian Dictionary of Invisible Culture for Teachers

The Australian Dictionary of Invisible Culture for Teachers

critical thinking

attitude: some people can think like this about something (see more)

Teachers in Australia want all students to think like this:

It is good if I think about things well.

If someone else says something, it is good if I can think like this: I know what this other person thinks. I know why this other person thinks like this.

If I think about something (e.g. an book, an article) for some time I can think like this: I know what this book says. It says the same as another book. It says something different to another book. Some other books say the same thing.

After this, it is good if I can think like this: I know how I think. I think the same as this person/ I don’t think the same as this person. I can say why I think like this.

After this, I can say/write what I think about this thing.

When I say/write what I think, it is good if I can say/write “This is why I think like this” at the same time. If I say this, other people can think the same as me.

"Critical thinking is an essential skill for the modern citizen. It is especially useful for seeing past politicians bullshit."

"...the report argues more attention to general capabilities such as problem-solving, social skills and critical thinking is essential in preparing students for an uncertain future."

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