teacher’s role in a classroom – primary and secondary<!-- --> | <!-- -->The Australian Dictionary of Invisible Culture for Teachers

The Australian Dictionary of Invisible Culture for Teachers

teacher’s role in a classroom – primary and secondary

attitude: some people can think like this about something (see more)

Many teachers in Australia think like this:

I want students to know many things. I want students to know how to do many things. I want students to know how to think well. I want students to feel something good when they think about class.

It can happen if I do many things. It can happen if students do many things.

I do many things because of this. Because of this, I want students to do many things.


This entry has an added 'feeling' component when compared to the entry focussing on universities. This is because at the primary and secondary levels there is a focus on 'I want students to enjoy my classes/emjoy coming to school'. Presumably partly to instil a love of learning in younger students.
teacher’s role in a classroom – universityself-driven learningunderstanding a teacher’s general teaching style

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