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The Australian Dictionary of Invisible Culture for Teachers


verb: someone does something (see more)

Someone (e.g. Toby) wanted someone else (e.g. Cooper) to do something (e.g. write a report)

Toby thought about it like this: If Cooper wants to do it, Cooper will do it.

Because of this, Toby said something to Cooper. Because of this, after this, Cooper wanted to do it (write the report).

Because of this, Cooper did it (wrote the report). Because of this, Toby could think like this: I wanted something to happen, it happened.


Particularly in this case is the third line where 'Cooper wanted to do it', which clarifies that it is still a choice on the second person's part. Contrast this with the other similar entries.

"I was too busy so I got Robin to attend the meeting instead."

"Did you hear? Mindy is in trouble because she got Beatrice to do all the work for her."

"Harley got his husband to write all his job applications."

askdo X!hadmadetoldnot forcing others to do things for you

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