not forcing others to do things for you<!-- --> | <!-- -->The Australian Dictionary of Invisible Culture for Teachers

The Australian Dictionary of Invisible Culture for Teachers

not forcing others to do things for you

attitude: some people can think like this (see more)

Many people in Australia think like this:

When I want to say to someone something like this “I want you to do something. I think that you will want to do it because of this.”

It is good if I say something like this at the same time “I don’t say I know that you will want to do it because of this.”


Note in particular in the last line, 'I don't say 'I know that...'' which contrasts with the middle line's 'I think that'. This indicates that it is important to express that you don't know that someone will do the thing that you want, even though you might expect it.

"Would you mind finishing those meeting notes before lunch? Is that possible?"

"I'd really love to catch up with you on the weekend for coffee. Do you drink coffee? Would you be interested in that? "

not forcing someone to do somethingagainst imposing one’s will on someone elsesense of autonomy

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