faithfully representing facts (what happened)<!-- --> | <!-- -->The Australian Dictionary of Invisible Culture for Teachers

The Australian Dictionary of Invisible Culture for Teachers

faithfully representing facts (what happened)

attitude: some people can think like this about something (see more)

When someone says to other people “this happened”, it is good if these people can know well what happened.


This refers to both not lying, as well as providing enough information to convey the story effectively.

"Dana and Joseph are talking about yesterday at work. Dana says 'There was a fire, we all got evacuated!' Joseph says 'Oh wow. What happened?'. Dana replies 'It turns out that someone was smoking in the toilets, which caused a fire. Thankfully no one was hurt.'"

"You didn't tell me that they got engaged too! You said they bought a house but not that they got engaged.' 'Sorry, I didn't realise. They only sent me that photo and didn't actually explain it."

anti-bullshitunderstatementfaithfully representing facts (how it happened)being literalbullshit

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