anti-bullshit<!-- --> | <!-- -->The Australian Dictionary of Invisible Culture for Teachers

The Australian Dictionary of Invisible Culture for Teachers


value: many people in Australia think it is good if people can think like this (see more)

It is bad if something like this happens:

Someone (e.g. Tom) says something not true (e.g. bats are reptiles). It. Tom says it because he wants other people to think this is true, not because he wants other people to know it is true.

At many times, Tom knows it is not true.

Sometimes when someone does something like this, they say it with many words.


This value is also often captured as the social 'commandment' thou shalt not bullshit or thou shalt not be a bull(shit)-artist.

"Come on man. Stop giving me that bullshit. You know what's going on here."

"I am so tired of my boss giving me bullshit answers to real questions. If I don't know what the plan is, how am I supposed to do my job?"

faithfully representing facts (what happened)understatementbullshitbullshit!

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