bullshit<!-- --> | <!-- -->The Australian Dictionary of Invisible Culture for Teachers

The Australian Dictionary of Invisible Culture for Teachers


noun: something (see more)

Sometimes someone (e.g. Morgan) says some things to other people. Not because Morgan wants other people to know someone, not because he wants to say something true.

Morgan says these things because he thinks something like this: I want these people to think something about something. I want them to feel something because of this.

Sometimes a person says things like this with many words. People can’t know anything because of these words. People can’t do anything good because of these words.

People think it is bad when someone says something like this.

Many people in Australia think like this: When someone hears something like this, it is good if they can know it.


There is an alternate usage of 'bullshit' to mean 'Something is bad. It doesn't have to be like this. People don't know why it is like this'. (As in the phrase 'The live meat export industry is bullshit'.)

"Brodie is so full of bullshit. He said he was a lecturer at university yesterday. Maybe he gave a guest lecture once, but there's no way he's a lecturer full time."

"He said he would make real changes when he became Prime Minister, but that was all bullshit to win votes."

"So any suggestion that you can dramatically cut emissions without any cost is, to use a favourite term of Mr Abbott, 'bullshit'. Moreover, he knows it."

anti-bullshitbullshit!against exaggerationunderstatement

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