understatement<!-- --> | <!-- -->The Australian Dictionary of Invisible Culture for Teachers

The Australian Dictionary of Invisible Culture for Teachers


attitude: some people can think like this (see more)

Many people in Australia think like this:

When I want to say how I feel, it is good if I say something like ‘good’ when I want to say ‘very good’.

When I want to say what I think, it is good if I say something like ‘I think’ when I want to say ‘I know’.

When I want to say a word like ‘all’ it is good if I say ‘many’. When I want to say a word like ‘many’ it is good if I say ‘some’.


Note that at each line it is 'it is good if I say' rather than listing what it is bad to say. This allows for the spectrum of variation in understatement, and also allows for sarcastic and humorous uses.
against exaggerationsocial harmonybullshitsarcasmdeadpan jocular irony

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