talking to acquaintances to be friends<!-- --> | <!-- -->The Australian Dictionary of Invisible Culture for Teachers

The Australian Dictionary of Invisible Culture for Teachers

talking to acquaintances to be friends

norm: when it is like this, it is good to do some things (see more)

Many people in Australia think like this:

When I want to know someone well, it is good if I think like this:

I know some things about this person, not many things. I know, this person feels something good towards me.

It is good if I say something like “I think something good about something of yours, (e.g. I like your bag). I want to know more about this thing. I want to know more about you (e.g. Where did you get it from? Do you have lots of cool bags?).”

After this, this person can say something more about them. After this, it is good if I say something of the same kind about me. It is good if I say something for a short time, not a long time. After this, it is good if I say “I want you to say more” to the other person.

Because of this, this other person can know I am someone like them. Because of this, we can feel something good towards each other.


This is only one approach to talking to acquaintences to be friends, or getting someone to talk more to you.
friendly speech actswanting to do something friendly with someone you don’t know wellfriendlybeing friendlyprojecting presumed solidarity in interactionprojecting presumed social similarity and social equality in interactionbody language in conversationskeeping a conversation goingturn taking

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