projecting presumed social similarity and social equality in interaction<!-- --> | <!-- -->The Australian Dictionary of Invisible Culture for Teachers

The Australian Dictionary of Invisible Culture for Teachers

projecting presumed social similarity and social equality in interaction

value: many people in Australia think it is good if people can think like this (see more)

Many people in Australia think like this:

When I am with someone, it is good if they can know that I think like this: This person is someone like me. I am not someone above this person, this person is not someone above me.


This entry clarifies that the feeling that 'I am not someone above this person' should be evident in the way that you interact with someone. Generally through such conversational choices as choosing topics which everyone can speak about, correcting people by using lots of hedging language, and not speaking about acheivements or accolades.
valuing presumed social similarity and social equalitypresuming and valuing perceived ‘shared ordinariness’projecting presumed solidarity in interactionaddressing people whom one does not know well by first nameintroducing myself

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