show how<!-- --> | <!-- -->The Australian Dictionary of Invisible Culture for Teachers

The Australian Dictionary of Invisible Culture for Teachers

show how

verb: someone does something (see more)

It can be like this:

Sometimes a teacher says to the students about something “Show how this something happens.”

When it is like this, it is good if the students think like this about it: I want to say many things about something. I want to say it so other people can know the same. I want to say it so other people can know how this something happens. It is good if I say this is how it happens. At the same time, it is good if I say this is how I know it.

After this, I can say what I think like this “Something happens. Something happens after this. Some other things can happen after this. Because of this, this something can happen”.

"Show how the overlapping narrative modes (the preliminary material, the action and the magic theatre) in Herman Hesses Steppenwolf enhance the readers understanding of the novels themes."

"Through attention to one aspect of Woolf’s treatment of time, show how the novel’s ‘structural’ or ‘formal’ experiments are as important as its ‘content’ in its treatment of temporality."


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