analyse<!-- --> | <!-- -->The Australian Dictionary of Invisible Culture for Teachers

The Australian Dictionary of Invisible Culture for Teachers


verb: someone does something (see more)

It can be like this:

Sometimes a teacher says to the students about something “Analyse this.”

When it is like this, it is good if the students think like this about it: This something has many parts. I can know many things about this something if I know something about each of these parts. I can know something about each of these parts if I think about this part for some time. After I have thought about each part of this something for some time, I can know many things about this something.

After this, a student can say to someone else (the teacher) “It is like this, I know it”.

At the same time, this student can say “This is how I know it”.

"Analyze George Orwells Politics and the English Language."

"Analyse critically the process and consequences of dehumanisation."

"Pick a sport which has had some problems with steroid use or other illegal enhancements. Summarize the situation. Analyze what has caused drug use to become an increasing problem. How has this drug use affected the gameplay, the athletes, and/or the fans?"

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