perception of autonomy<!-- --> | <!-- -->The Australian Dictionary of Invisible Culture for Teachers

The Australian Dictionary of Invisible Culture for Teachers

perception of autonomy

value: many people in Australia think it is good if people can think like this (see more)

When I do something, I don’t want other people to think like this about me: Someone else wants [this person] to do it. He/she has to do it because of this.

If someone thinks like this about me, I feel something bad.


Autonomy is such a strong value that is is seen as just as important for others to see you as having autonomy around your actions. If others perceive that you are not in control, it can be seen as a very bad thing.
personal autonomyagainst preventing someone from doing something that they want to doagainst taking over what someone else is doingfreedom to not do thingsfreedom

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