cunt<!-- --> | <!-- -->The Australian Dictionary of Invisible Culture for Teachers

The Australian Dictionary of Invisible Culture for Teachers


noun: a person of one kind (see more)

A kind of person

Other people think about this person like this: This person is someone very bad. This person did something very bad.

Because of this, other people feel something very bad.

In Australia, many people think this word is a very bad word. Many people think it is very bad to say this word.

People say this word because they feel something very bad, like people can think this word is very bad.


This entry does not include the usage of the word between friends. See related entries for scripts and values which correlate to this usage.

"All it was is I saw him and I’d had half a skinful and I wanted to nut the cunt."

"They hate the cunt, and the more they saw of him the more they hated him"

usage of swear wordsusing swear/curse words in high solidarity situationscunt of a ...!swear wordsrubbishingwho you can do jocular abuse withjocular abuse

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