using swear/curse words in high solidarity situations<!-- --> | <!-- -->The Australian Dictionary of Invisible Culture for Teachers

The Australian Dictionary of Invisible Culture for Teachers

using swear/curse words in high solidarity situations

attitude: some people can think like this (see more)

Some people in Australia think like this:

At some times, when I am with some people, it is not bad if I say swear words.

It is not bad if I can think about these people like this: I know these people well. They are not like many other people, they are people like me. I know that they think about me in the same way.

Many men in Australia think like this. Some women in Australia think like this.

"At the farewell party, there was very little swearing while the boss made the speeches, but after the boss left, everyone swore like a sailor."

"No one was sure if Shannon was a good addition to the group, until they laughed and said 'What a fucking dick.' After that, they all knew that Shannon was one of the group."

gendered attitudes to use of swear wordsusage of swear wordsmatefreedom of expressionvaluing presumed social similarity and social equalityswear words

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