jocular abuse<!-- --> | <!-- -->The Australian Dictionary of Invisible Culture for Teachers

The Australian Dictionary of Invisible Culture for Teachers

jocular abuse

attitude: some people can think like this (see more)

Many people in Australia know that sometimes it can be like this:

Someone (e.g. Robert) says some bad things about someone else (e.g. Dominic) to Dominic for some time. Robert says it like people sometimes say things when they think something bad about the other person.

When Robert says these things, he doesn’t say it because he thinks something bad about Dominic.

When Robert says it, he thinks like this: Dominic is someone like me. I feel something good towards Dominic. Dominic can know this. Because of this, I can say bad things like this about Dominic.

When people hear something like this, they can feel something good because of it like they can laugh.

"I know that if Brittany says things like 'Geez you're hopeless' when I talk about a mistake I've made, she doesn't think like this. She feels something good towards me."

"Tony can know that if I say something like 'Still enjoying cakes I see' when I see him, he can know that I don't think something bad about him. I feel something good towards him."

who you can do jocular abuse withmatetaking the piss (out of)

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