expression of positive feelings<!-- --> | <!-- -->The Australian Dictionary of Invisible Culture for Teachers

The Australian Dictionary of Invisible Culture for Teachers

expression of positive feelings

attitude: some people can think like this (see more)

Many people in Australia think like this:

It can be bad if I say “I feel something very good” often.

When I want to say “I feel something very good” it is good to say something else at the same time.

Some people think some words are bad words. These people think it is bad to say these words. It is good if I say one of these words at the same time.

"Fuck I've had such a good day! I've been accepted into university!"

"Bloody hell I'm lucky. How many people get to spend a weekend skiing for free?"

showing negative emotionsexpression of emotionsexpression of negative feelingshappyhappinessswear wordsI can't be fucked

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