tall poppy<!-- --> | <!-- -->The Australian Dictionary of Invisible Culture for Teachers

The Australian Dictionary of Invisible Culture for Teachers

tall poppy

noun: a person of one kind (see more)

A person (e.g. Diana)

Diana does many very good things. Because of this, Diana says something like “I do many very good things.”

Because of this, other people think many things about Diana. Other people think like this: Diana thinks she is someone very good, someone not like other people. Diana wants other people to think the same about her. It is bad to think like this.


'Tall poppy' is an attribute assigned by other people. It is not something one would usually say about oneself.

"I don't really want to tell people that I got my book published too. They might start to think I'm a tall poppy."

"Did you hear Francis talking about his most recent trip to Fiji for work? He's getting to be a real tall poppy, always talking about his promotions and his achievements."

"Kennett had grown too cocky, and that remains a danger for any successful political leader in a culture wary of Tall Poppies."

"It's a funny place, Australia. We cheer on the battlers and the underdogs, and cut down our tall poppies, yet we lionise and defend these obscenely rich blokes who kick a ball around for part of the year and act like spoiled playboys the rest of the time."

discouraging wanting other people’s admirationvaluing presumed social similarity and social equalitydiscouraging feelings of ‘specialness’presuming and valuing perceived ‘shared ordinariness’tall poppy syndromebig-noting yourselfmodesthumblehumilityproud (of something)proud (of someone)

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