proud (of someone)<!-- --> | <!-- -->The Australian Dictionary of Invisible Culture for Teachers

The Australian Dictionary of Invisible Culture for Teachers

proud (of someone)

adjective: a kind of person (see more)

Someone (e.g. Frank) knows someone else (e.g. Tegan) very well.

Frank feels something good towards Tegan because of something that Tegan did.

Frank thinks: People can know Tegan did something good. Because of this, they cannot not think something good about Tegan, like I think something good about Tegan.

Because of this, Frank feels something good.

"Louie was very proud of his Mum for finishing her first university degree."

"Eva got an award at school, her Aunt is proud of her."

"My best friend won a scholarship, I am so proud of him."

proud (of something)discouraging wanting other people’s admirationbig-noting yourselftall poppy syndrometall poppydiscouraging feelings of ‘specialness’

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