humility<!-- --> | <!-- -->The Australian Dictionary of Invisible Culture for Teachers

The Australian Dictionary of Invisible Culture for Teachers


noun: something (see more)

Someone (e.g. Harry) often thinks like this: A person (e.g. Xavier) is someone good. No one can be like Xavier. Because of this, Harry feels something good towards Xavier.

Because of this, Harry doesn’t think: I am someone good. People can know good things about me. I know many things.

Harry doesn’t want other people to think these things about him.

People think this is good.

"The tennis player's humility was greatly to her credit according to the media."

"Why can’t more singers just be themselves? Why must they create glitzy showbiz personas and seek to... 'interpret' a song? Mary Coughlan just sings them. She does it with such simplicity, humility and honesty that there is no veneer; just core."

humblemodestpresuming and valuing perceived ‘shared ordinariness’tall poppytall poppy syndromebig-noting yourselfdiscouraging feelings of ‘specialness’

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