did you have a good weekend?<!-- --> | <!-- -->The Australian Dictionary of Invisible Culture for Teachers

The Australian Dictionary of Invisible Culture for Teachers

did you have a good weekend?

phrase: someone says these words (see more)

I think like this: I want you to think I feel something good towards you.

I say “I want to know if you feel something good because of the weekend. I want you to say it.”

I think you will say something like this “I feel something good because of the weekend.” I want this.

I can feel something good because of this.

You can feel something good because of this.

"David and Rachel work together, Rachel arrives at work on Monday morning. David: 'Hi Rachel, did you have a good weekend?' Rachel: 'Yes thanks, I got to spend lots of time with the family. How was yours?'"

"Tony is at the cash register doing some grocery shopping on Sunday afternoon. The attendant: 'Have you had a good weekend?' Tony: 'Sure, shame about work tomorrow though.'"

what did you get up to ...?talking to acquaintances to be friendsbecoming better friends with someonebeginning a conversationsaying ‘how are you?’colleagues

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