it is good to ask questions<!-- --> | <!-- -->The Australian Dictionary of Invisible Culture for Teachers

The Australian Dictionary of Invisible Culture for Teachers

it is good to ask questions

attitude: some people can think like this (see more)

Teachers in Australia often think like this:

It is good if a student can say “I don’t know something. I want you to say it.”

It is very good if a student can say “I know something about something. I want to know more.”

It is very good if all students can say something like this.

It is good if students say something like this at some times, not at all times. It is good if a student doesn’t say this when someone else is saying something.

It is good if a student says “I want to say something” not with words a short time before they say something like this.


While teachers appreciate questions from students, this entry also includes the fact that there is such a thing as too many questions, and there are inappropriate ways of asking questions.
different types of questionsasking follow-up questionsnot losing face when asking for help

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