fair go<!-- --> | <!-- -->The Australian Dictionary of Invisible Culture for Teachers

The Australian Dictionary of Invisible Culture for Teachers

fair go

value: many people in Australia think it is good if people can think like this (see more)

All people want good things. This is good.

Good things can happen to people if they do good things.

All people can do good things.

People can’t say “Good things can’t happen to you.” if people do good things.

"In the land of the 'fair go' for all, two million are living in poverty."

"Voting for same-sex marriage is a vote for equality, and a vote for a fair go for all lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender Australians."

"The actions by Immigration Minister Scott Morrison of transferring people fleeing persecution back to those they fear raises serious questions about the direction this policy area is heading. Such a decision indicates a lack of a more compass which casts our reputation as the land of the fair go and respect for human rights adrift."

that's not fairthat's fairbattlerwomen in positions of authoritymixed gender classrooms

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