that's fair<!-- --> | <!-- -->The Australian Dictionary of Invisible Culture for Teachers

The Australian Dictionary of Invisible Culture for Teachers

that's fair

phrase: someone says these words (see more)

I say: people can know that when this person (e.g. Rachel) did it (e.g. made a decision, said their opinion), Rachel did not do anything bad.

If other people (in Australia) know about it they will say the same because they all think about some things in the same way.

Many people in Australia think like this: at some times, someone wants something good to happen to them. Because of this, this person can do something bad to someone else, not because this other someone did something bad. This is bad.

People can know that when Rachel did it (made the decision), Rachel did not do anything like this.

Because of this, other people can't say to Rachel 'You can't do things like this.'

"I'm terrified of spiders, so I don't really like Halloween.' 'That's fair."

"I've given the kids water pistols as well as the water balloons, so it's a fair fight."

"Yana makes sure be fair and to spend some time every Christmas with each of her families."

that's not fairfair goreasonable

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