deadpan jocular irony<!-- --> | <!-- -->The Australian Dictionary of Invisible Culture for Teachers

The Australian Dictionary of Invisible Culture for Teachers

deadpan jocular irony

attitude: some people can think like this (see more)

In Australia many people know that sometimes it can be like this:

Someone (e.g. Oliver) says some words to someone else (e.g. George) like people often do when they want to say something about a thing.

When Oliver says this to George, he thinks like this: If George thinks about it for a short time, he can know that I can’t want to say something like this. George can know this because he is someone like me. He can feel something good because of it. At the same time he can think like this: ‘this is good.’ I want this.

When people hear something like this, they can feel something good because of it, like they want to laugh.

"A stranger is in line behind Greg at the grocery store. When Greg looks back at him, the stranger says 'Would you mind paying for mine too mate?'. Greg knows that the stranger doesn't actually want this."

"Diana gets into Julie's car and notices that the car is very messy. Diana says 'I see you've just cleaned the car'. Julie knows that she hasn't just cleaned the car."

sarcasmjocular deception/provocationtaking the piss (out of)

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