addressing teachers and bosses<!-- --> | <!-- -->The Australian Dictionary of Invisible Culture for Teachers

The Australian Dictionary of Invisible Culture for Teachers

addressing teachers and bosses

norm: when it is like this, it is good to do some things (see more)

Many people in Australia think like this:

At some times, a person can be someone above me (e.g. teacher, boss)

When it is like this, it is good if I can say things to this person in one way, like I think about this person like this: You are someone like me. You are someone above me at this time. I know you. I don’t want you to think something bad about me.

It is good if I say this person’s name at the same time.

"If Alan is Paul's teacher, Alan can say 'Hello Paul', Paul can say 'Hello Alan'."

"If Jeanette is Chris's boss, Jeanette can say 'Hello Chris', Chris can say 'Hello Jeanette'."

addressing people whom one does not know well by first nameunderstanding a teacher’s general teaching styleinformality in classroomsfirst name address

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