communication<!-- --> | <!-- -->The Australian Dictionary of Invisible Culture for Teachers

The Australian Dictionary of Invisible Culture for Teachers


noun: something (see more)

It can be like this:

At some times someone (e.g. David) wants to say some things to someone else (e.g. Felicity). At these times David wants Felicity to know well what he wants to say. Because of this, David says some things to Felicity in one way. When he says it in this way, Felicity can know well what David wants to say.

It is good if it can be like this.

It can be not like this if David says these things in another way.

"The key to all good relationships is communication."

"It's important to the department that we have good communication between all the teams, and no one is isolated."

"Mark struggles to communicate well when he talks, but he's got good communication skills in writing."

thinking before you speakcollaborationcooperationagainst exaggerationbeing on time

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