fuck it<!-- --> | <!-- -->The Australian Dictionary of Invisible Culture for Teachers

The Australian Dictionary of Invisible Culture for Teachers

fuck it

phrase: someone says these words (see more)

I want to do something.

I think like this: I know something bad can happen if I do this thing.

I don’t want to think about it anymore. I want to do this thing now.

I want to say how I think.

Some people think some words are bad words. I want to say a word like this now.

"Sam spent all evening avoiding having dessert. 'Fuck it, I really want some icecream' he said as he opened the freezer door."

"Shouldn't you be working on your homework?' 'I tried, but then I thought 'fuck it, it's the weekend'. So I'll deal with it on Monday."

ahh, what the hellusing swear/curse words in high solidarity situationsusage of swear wordsswear words

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