fuck off!<!-- --> | <!-- -->The Australian Dictionary of Invisible Culture for Teachers

The Australian Dictionary of Invisible Culture for Teachers

fuck off!

phrase: someone says these words (see more)

I think like this: I think you did something bad. I feel something bad because of this. I don’t want to be in the same place as you because of this.

Because of this, I feel something bad towards you.

I want to say how I feel. Because of this, I say something. I want you to do something because of this.

Many people think it is bad to say something like this. People can feel something bad if someone says this. I want this.

"Oi! You! Fuck off! Stop harrassing that girl!"

"You've had enough to drink mate, it's time to fuck off."

"Bobby, I've had enough of your shit today. Fuck off. We don't need you hanging around making this situation worse."

"Leyonhjelm reportedly yelled that Sarah Hanson-Young 'should stop shagging men' and then told her to 'fuck off' when she confronted him about it."

get the hell out of here!swear words

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