wanker<!-- --> | <!-- -->The Australian Dictionary of Invisible Culture for Teachers

The Australian Dictionary of Invisible Culture for Teachers


noun: a person of one kind (see more)

A kind of person

People of this kind (e.g. Seth) thinks something like this “I am someone very good. I know many things. Other people don’t know these things. I want other people to know what I think about these things.”

Seth wants other people to think good things about him. Because of this, Seth says many good things about himself. When he does this, he feels something good.

Other people don’t want to hear people say things like this.

People in Australia think it is bad to be like this.

Some people think it is bad to say this word.

"Bloody wankers who think they own the roads just because they have a nice car really piss me off!"

"Jesse is such a wanker sometimes. He's always telling Chris that she's wrong, and telling her what she should do."

usage of swear wordsusing swear/curse words in high solidarity situationsdon’t be a dick

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