taking an offering to someone’s house<!-- --> | <!-- -->The Australian Dictionary of Invisible Culture for Teachers

The Australian Dictionary of Invisible Culture for Teachers

taking an offering to someone’s house

norm: when it is like this, it is good to do some things (see more)

It can be like this: Someone (e.g. Kath) wants someone else (e.g. Kim) to eat at Kate’s home.

When it is like this, it is good if Kim thinks like this: It will be good if I bring something at that time. Kath will feel something good because of this.

At many times, Kath says something like this (to Kim) “You don’t have to bring something.”

When it is like this, it is good if Kim brings something small (e.g. a bottle of wine, a box of chocolates).

Because of this, Kath can know that Kim feels something good towards her.

"Let me know what I should bring.' 'Don't worry about it, we've got it all sorted.' 'Okay, how about we bring a wine then.' 'If you want to, then that would be great."

"Cadbury Favourites. What to bring when you're told not to bring a thing."

bring a platedon't “drop in

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