asking people to bring food to a gathering<!-- --> | <!-- -->The Australian Dictionary of Invisible Culture for Teachers

The Australian Dictionary of Invisible Culture for Teachers

asking people to bring food to a gathering

norm: when it is like this, it is good to do some things (see more)

In Australia it can be like this:

When someone says something like 'I want you to eat with me at my house. Many other people will be in this place at this time.'

At many times they say something like this at the same time 'I want you to bring some food to eat.'

This person thinks like this: Many people want to eat many different things. It is good if people can eat something they want to eat. Because of this, a person can bring food for many people. This is good.

When someone says something like this it is good if I think like this: It is good to bring food that many people can eat. It is good if I bring much of one thing.


It would be unusual to ask someone to bring something big if there were only four people coming to dinner, although salads or some dessert would be more common if you are close to those people.

"The dinner on Saturday is going to be a potluck, so bring something to share."

"Would you mind bringing a salad for the BBQ?"

bring a platetaking an offering to someone’s house

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