it’s my place, I decide what can happen”<!-- --> | <!-- -->The Australian Dictionary of Invisible Culture for Teachers

The Australian Dictionary of Invisible Culture for Teachers

it’s my place, I decide what can happen”

attitude: some people can think like this (see more)

Many people in Australia think like this about a place (their house):

I can do many things in this place as I want, other people can’t do the same.

If I don’t want something to happen in this place, other people can’t say something like this to me: ‘I want this to happen in this place.’

If someone says to me ‘I want this to happen in this place,’ I can say ‘I don’t want this to happen here.’”

"Please take your shoes off when you come in. I prefer bare feet inside."

"There's no smoking inside. Please smoke as far from the house as you can."

homeit’s my place, I decide what can’t happenit’s my place, I decide what other people can doagainst preventing someone from doing something that they want to do

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