dobbing – in school<!-- --> | <!-- -->The Australian Dictionary of Invisible Culture for Teachers

The Australian Dictionary of Invisible Culture for Teachers

dobbing – in school

attitude: some people can think like this (see more)

A student (e.g. Jen) said something to a teacher about another student (e.g. William) “William did something bad.”

Jen knows: The teacher can do bad things to someone like William (e.g. give detention).

Jen says this to the teacher because she thinks: The teacher wants to know something bad happened. William will not say this to the teacher. The teacher can do something bad to William. This is good.

Students think it is very bad for a student to say this to a teacher.

Teachers think it is good for students to say this to a teacher.

"Did you hear? Joan dobbed Christian in for pulling her hair.' 'Well, he deserved it really."

"You're just a little dobber! I didn't even do anything!"

dob intelling the teacher what happened

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