being distracted or using phones in classes<!-- --> | <!-- -->The Australian Dictionary of Invisible Culture for Teachers

The Australian Dictionary of Invisible Culture for Teachers

being distracted or using phones in classes

attitude: some people can think like this (see more)

Teachers in Australia think like this:

It is good if students know what is happening in the classroom. It is good if all students can hear what is happening. It is good if all students can see what is happening. It is good if students want to hear everything. It is good if students want to see everything.

Because of this, the teacher wants all the students to do some things.

It is bad if a student is doing something else during that time.


This entry applies to other kinds of distractions as well, such as reading books in class, talking to other students, staring out the window, drawing, and so on.
understanding a teacher’s general teaching styleinformality in classrooms

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