co-operative interruption in English<!-- --> | <!-- -->The Australian Dictionary of Invisible Culture for Teachers

The Australian Dictionary of Invisible Culture for Teachers

co-operative interruption in English

attitude: some people can think like this (see more)

Many people in Australia think like this:

When someone is saying something to me, if I know what someone wants to say, if I see this person can’t say it, it is good for me to say it before this person can say it.

It is good if I say it like this “I think this is what you want to say. I don’t know.”

This person will feel something good because of this.

"And then we went to the uh...' 'Botanic Gardens?' 'Yes! That's what they're called. We walked around there for an hour or so until I had to go home."

"I saw a en-kin-der... ek-need-a' 'Echidna?' 'Ek-id-na? yes. On the weekend. Near my apartment."

overlapping speechintrusive interruption in Englishturn taking

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