joining in a conversation with other people<!-- --> | <!-- -->The Australian Dictionary of Invisible Culture for Teachers

The Australian Dictionary of Invisible Culture for Teachers

joining in a conversation with other people

norm: when it is like this, it is good to do some things (see more)

When it is like this: Some people are talking about some things in the place where I am. I want to say something about these things to these people.

It is good if I think like this: I can’t say anything when one of these people is saying something. I know that after some time, these people will not say anything for a very short time. I can say something at that moment. It is good if I say something about the same things, not different things.

When I think like this, I can say something like this at that moment “I want to know more about these things. At the same time, I want to say some things about these things.”

"Bronwyn and Paul are talking about their favourite book. Sally hears and wants to join the conversation. When Bronwyn and Paul aren't speaking, Sally can say something like 'That's my favourite book too! What did you think of the ending though?'"

"Many people are talking about a terror attack. William hasn't heard about it yet. William can say something like 'I haven't head about that yet, tell me what happened?' when none of these other people are talking."

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