love it or leave it<!-- --> | <!-- -->The Australian Dictionary of Invisible Culture for Teachers

The Australian Dictionary of Invisible Culture for Teachers

love it or leave it

attitude: some people can think like this about some other people (see more)

Some people in Australia can think like this about some other people:

It is good if people want to be Australian. It is good if people feel something good when they think about Australia, like I feel something good when I think about Australia.

It is bad if people don’t want to be Australian. It is bad if people don’t feel something good when they think about Australia.

I don’t want people to live in Australia if they don’t feel something good when they think about Australia. I want these people to know this.


The 'love it or leave' slogan often found on singlets on Australia day is a contentious sentiment, but one that has endured through the years.

"If people don't like our particular brand of democracy, they can always leave and live in New Zealand."

"What and where is this Australia we must either love or leave? Presumably it's not the almost unconsciously tolerant, effusively multicultural, free, liberal and accepting reality."

Australia is a great place to livehaving 'pride' in Australia

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