he is a bastard<!-- --> | <!-- -->The Australian Dictionary of Invisible Culture for Teachers

The Australian Dictionary of Invisible Culture for Teachers

he is a bastard

phrase: someone says these words (see more)

I think about him like this:

I know people of this kind. People of this kind are bad people. People of this kind do many bad things.

Because of this, when I think about this person, I feel something bad.

I want to say something bad about this person. Some people say some words are bad words. I want to say something about this person with a word of this kind.

"I can't believe that John took credit for all my work. He is such a bastard."

"That customer is a bloody bastard. He comes in every morning and sticks his fingers in all the bread rolls, then complains that they're all damaged."

bastard, abastardswear words

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