being sarcastic<!-- --> | <!-- -->The Australian Dictionary of Invisible Culture for Teachers

The Australian Dictionary of Invisible Culture for Teachers

being sarcastic

attitude: some people can think like this (see more)

Many people in Australia think like this:

Sometimes when a person (e.g. Lucy) says something to someone else (e.g. Nora) with some words, these words say something good about a thing (e.g. a test score).

At the same time when Nora hears it, she can know that Lucy doesn’t think like this. Nora can know that Lucy thinks something bad about it.

When someone says something in this way, they want to say something like this, not with words “I know that you think this good thing about it. I don’t know how you can think like this. I feel something bad now because of this. I know that when you hear this you can feel something bad, I want this”

Lucy can feel something good when she says something in this way.

"When Rachel drops a plate in front of Gloria, Gloria can say something like 'Nice job'. Rachel knows Gloria doesn't think this."

"If Sam is known for being forgetful, Sam forgets what time the presentation starts and arrives late. William says to Sam 'Nice to see your memory is improving. Only 10 minutes late this time'. Sam knows that William doesn't think this."

sarcasmusing sarcasm

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