mocking authority<!-- --> | <!-- -->The Australian Dictionary of Invisible Culture for Teachers

The Australian Dictionary of Invisible Culture for Teachers

mocking authority

attitude: some people can think like this (see more)

In Australia, it can be like this: Some people are people above me. These people can do bad things to people like me.

Some people in Australia think like this: At some times I want to say bad things about these people, so people like me can laugh. Because of this, people like me can feel something good. I know it can be bad if I say bad things to these people above me.

Many people think it is good if people can think like this.


Comedians often capitalise on this trait of Australians by mocking politicians and anyone who has any power.

"When Tony Abbot was removed as Prime Minister, the social media campaign 'put out your onions' trended in Australia in mockery of the times that Abbot ate raw onions."

"If ever there were characteristics that could be described as typically Australian, irreverence to authority would be one."

irreverencedefiance, rebelliousness, and larrikinism

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