relying on nearby friends rather than far away family<!-- --> | <!-- -->The Australian Dictionary of Invisible Culture for Teachers

The Australian Dictionary of Invisible Culture for Teachers

relying on nearby friends rather than far away family

attitude: some people can think like this (see more)

At many times in Australia it can be like this:

Someone (e.g. Jack) feels something good towards many people. Jack knows these people well. These people are in the same place as Jack.

Because of this, Jack thinks like this: These people are people like me. We are like part of one thing. This is very good.

Because of this I can say “I want something to happen. It will be good for me if this happens.” to these people.

These people can think “It will be good for Jack if this something happens. I can do something good for Jack because of this.” After this, these people can do some things. Because of this, this something can happen.”

"When John moved house, he called all his friends in Armidale to help him. It was much easier than calling his brother who lives in Canberra."

"Iris wanted some people to come and support her at the awards presentation, so she asked if three of her friends would attend with her."

"Kirsten only took four friends with her to find a wedding dress. Her mother lived too far away for it to be reasonable."

value of friendsyou don't abandon a mate

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