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The Australian Dictionary of Invisible Culture for Teachers


verb: someone does something (see more)

Someone (e.g. Anna) said something to someone else (e.g. Logan) at that time

Anna said something like this “I know that you want to do something at some time after this. I want you to know that I think like this about it: ‘It will be good for you if you do this. I know many things about things like this.’”

Anna said it like someone can say something like this to someone else when they think like this: I know that if this person wants to not do it, this person doesn't have to it.

"Look, I would recommend that you say something soon, so you don't have this stress hanging over you."

"I recommend that you rewrite the report and incorporate all the changes from the managers."

"I don't know. What does the policy recommend?"

suggesthow about doing X?suggestive approach to influencing othersunderstanding 'helpful suggestions'using 'helpful suggestions' to avoid a directive

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