consideration of others in expression of opinions<!-- --> | <!-- -->The Australian Dictionary of Invisible Culture for Teachers

The Australian Dictionary of Invisible Culture for Teachers

consideration of others in expression of opinions

attitude: some people can think like this (see more)

Many people in Australia think like this:

It is not good for people always to say what they think. Because of this, I do not always say what I think.

At some times I think “It will be bad if I say this now.”

When I say what I think about something. I cannot say it like a thing that I know. I cannot say it like a thing that is true.

If I say it like this, people will think something bad about me.

When I say what I think about something, it is good to say something like “I think this. I know other people can think something else.”

"Claire and her friend Laura are shopping. Laura tries on a dress and asks Claire what she thinks. Claire doesn't like the dress, but knows that Laura loves it. Claire thinks: Laura will feel something bad if I say what I think. I cannot say it like a thing that I know, I cannot say it like a thing that is true. I can say it in another way. It is good if I say 'I know other people can think something else'. Because of this, Claire says 'I'm not sure about it. I think you could find something better, but if you love it, you should get it'."

"Look, your cake is good, but I think it's a little dry for my personal tastes. But then, I do love moist cakes. Even gooey."

ability to express opinionshedging in expression of opinionsexpressing opinions calmlyagainst forcing opinions on others

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