we must have coffee some time<!-- --> | <!-- -->The Australian Dictionary of Invisible Culture for Teachers

The Australian Dictionary of Invisible Culture for Teachers

we must have coffee some time

phrase: someone says these words (see more)

Someone (e.g. Henry) says something like this to someone else (e.g. Ivan) “We must have coffee some time.”

Henry thinks like this at this time: I feel something good towards Ivan. I want to be in the same place as Ivan at many times. I want to say many things to Ivan at many times. I don’t know when we can be in the same place. Maybe we can’t be in the same place at the same time.

Because of this, I don’t say something like “I will see you at this place, at this time.”

I want Ivan to feel something good towards me, like I feel something good towards him.

"Susan and Andy used to work together but have not seen each other in two years. They have met each other while shopping. After chatting briefly, Susan says 'I have to go now, but we must have coffee some time!'"

"Victor doesn't like the person he is consulting with (Toby), but after every meeting he says 'we must have coffee some time' so that he and Toby continue to feel something good towards each other."

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