freedom of speech<!-- --> | <!-- -->The Australian Dictionary of Invisible Culture for Teachers

The Australian Dictionary of Invisible Culture for Teachers

freedom of speech

value: many people in Australia think it is good if people can think like this (see more)

If I think something about the government, I can say it. The government can’t do something bad to me because of this.

Everyone can say things like this.

It is very bad if the government does something bad to people (e.g. arrest, kill, fine) because of this.

"If Paul says to his friend 'I don't like the logging in Tasmania. I think the government is doing something very bad.' The government can't do something bad."

"If a cartoonist draws a cartoon that says something bad about the government, the government can't do something bad to this person because of it."

freedom of expressioneveryone has the right to disagreefreedom

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